
Efficient ways to clean your house in 30 minutes

When it comes to housekeeping, it can be a big headache to many people. Therefore, it is recommended that your kids can be good helped for housekeeping. Make a chart and delegate everything from making beds to folding socks to taking out the trash. When you are done cleaning the house, try to reward the whole family with a dinner out or movie night at home. Here are some efficient ways for your reference.

We should firstly find the right tools. Throw out the old cotton rags and the paper towels and use microfiber cloth instead. These cloths are composed of ultrafine synthetic fibers that are woven together to create a “microfiber.” The fibers rub together during cleaning, creating a static charge that attracts dirt and dust, so you can tackle dusting chores without using sprays or chemicals. Use a duster to wisp away all of the dust on the surfaces of your desk, dresser, book shelf, and any other surfaces you may have in your room. Dust before you vacuum or sweep because often dust will become displaced and then settle back on your floor. 

Secondly, you should throw away your rubbish. Tide up your items and classify them into two types: useful and rubbish. Try to put any rubbish that you can find in your room. If you don't have a plastic bin in your bedroom or nearby, then get a spare paper bag or a rubbish bag. Meanwhile, put all the items that don't belong in your room in a laundry basket or box and then go around the house putting the items in the right spot! For example, you might have to take out a sibling's toy, teddy or blanket that belongs in their room or put a book away in the living room.

As for the family room, try to start with the sofa -- as long as it's in disarray, your living room will never look tidy. Once you've fluffed the pillows and folded the throws, you're halfway home. You should be able cover the whole room by the end of the third track if you pop in a CD while you dust. While for the kitchen, you’d better make use of some kitchen cleaner and some oven cleaner spray so that the grease can be removed easily. We all know that sponges can be a breeding ground for bacteria. Disinfect yours every night by squeezing it out and microwaving it on high for a minute. Remember to replace it when it’s shredded and smelly.

After cleaning all the rooms, it is sensible to make use of some air freshener spray and then keep your windows and doors open. Remember to wash your cleaning tools at last so that they can be used for the next time. Anyway, follow the steps above and have a try! 

